A discussion on the use of worksheets for teaching English to children.
Learn English with Song and Dance: 35 Awesome Phonics Songs
Songs are a great tool for improving a child’s English. Here are 35 English songs that can help your child learn their ABCs, numbers, and so much more.
How to Teach Phonics Effectively: 3 Concepts You Need to Understand
This article explains how synthetic phonics, systematic phonics instruction. and implicit and explicit teaching can help you effectively teach your child phonics.
The Long U Sound: 4 Vowel Patterns to Know
A guide on how to learn the Long U sound. This guide includes long vowel rules and patterns for the letter U. As well, it introduces readers to examples and exceptions to different long vowel patterns.
6 Long O Patterns (With Examples)
A guide on how to learn the Long O sound. This guide includes long vowel rules and patterns for the letter O. As well, it introduces readers to examples and exceptions to different long vowel patterns.
6 Long I Vowel Patterns
A guide on how to learn the Long I sound. This guide includes long vowel rules and patterns for the letter I. As well, it introduces readers to examples and exceptions to different long vowel patterns.
6 Long E Vowel Patterns
A guide on how to learn the Long E sound. This guide includes long vowel rules and patterns for the letter E. As well, it introduces readers to examples and exceptions to different long vowel patterns.
Long Vowel Sound A: Patterns, Rules, and Audio
A guide on how to learn the Long A sound. It includes long vowel rules and patterns for the letter A. As well, it introduces readers to examples and exceptions to different long vowel patterns for Long A.
How to Say Hello in English
A quick guide on English greetings and how to say hi in English.
Vowels and Consonants: “th”, “ch”, “sh”, and “ng”
A phonics guide that helps you learn how to pronounce the Sh, Ch, Th, and Ng phonemes in English.