In English, we often distinguish mature animals from baby animals with unique names. In many cases, you won’t need to know these specific names, but some are commonly used. For this reason, we have put together a list of common baby animals and their names for you to learn from.
We are going to try to give you an overview of the important baby animal names in English. If you would like to practice more, there will be flashcards available below our list. For more animal learning, you can take a look at our Animals Page.
If you have any questions, you may click on the image below.

Baby Animals Not On Our List
There will be many animals that are not included on this list. This is because even native English speakers do not know or care about what their names are. If you are interested, you can take a look at this far more complete, scientific list of baby animals.
If you do not know what that animal’s baby is called, it is generally safe to just say a baby animal or a little animal. So if you don’t know what a young fox is called, you can just say a baby fox or a little fox.
Common Baby Animals and their Names
If you are looking for a specific animal, our list has been ordered alphabetically. If it’s not here, you can ask, and we can do our best to fill it in.
For common names like chick or cub, where multiple animals use that name for their babies, we will often put the name of the animal before so that people understand. For example, both pandas and foxes can be called cubs, to differentiate you would call one a panda cub and the other a fox cub. For animals with unique names, like piglets or eaglets, you don’t need to do that.
What is the name for a baby bear?
The name for a baby bear is a cub.

What is the name for a baby bird?
The name for a baby bird is a chick.

What is the name for a baby cat?
The name for a baby cat is a kitten or a kitty.

What is the name for a baby cheetah?
The name for a baby cheetah is a cheetah pup.

What is the name for a baby chicken?
The name for a baby chicken is a chick.

What is the name for a baby cow?
The name for a baby cow is a calf.

What is the name for a baby deer?
The name for a baby deer is a fawn.

What is the name for a baby dog?
The name for a baby dog is a puppy.

What is the name for a baby duck?
The name for a baby duck is a duckling.

What is the name for a baby eagle?
The name for a baby eagle is an eaglet.

What is the name for a baby elephant?
The name for a baby elephant is an elephant calf.

What is the name for a baby fox?
The name for a baby fox is a fox cub, pup, or kit.

What is the name for a baby goose?
The name for a baby goose is a gosling.

What is the name for a baby horse?
The name for a baby horse is a foal or colt (for males) and a filly (for females).

What is the name for a baby kangaroo?
The name for a baby kangaroo is a joey.

What is the name for a baby lion?
The name for a baby lion is a lion cub.

What is the name for a baby panda?
The name for a baby panda is a panda cub.

What is the name for a baby pig?
The name for a baby pig is a piglet.

What is the name for a baby rabbit?
The name for a baby rabbit is a kitten or a bunny.

What is the name for a baby sheep?
The name for a baby sheep is a lamb.

What is the name for a baby tiger?
The name for a baby tiger is a tiger cub.

What is the name for a baby whale?
The name for a baby whale is a whale calf.

What is the name for a baby zebra?
The name for a baby zebra is a zebra colt or foal.

Baby Animal Flashcards
Flashcards can help you not just practice vocabulary but also play games to help children learn. In fact, we believe that games are a far better way to learn than to learn by rote memorization.
If you cannot see the image below, you can download the flashcards by clicking here.

Baby Animal Videos on YouTube
Sometimes, it can be a lot of fun to put away the flashcards and watch some baby animal videos with your child or student. Here are three videos available for free on YouTube. There are not made by us, but we like to use them in our classes.
Final Thoughts
When teaching children, it helps a lot to use subjects that children love. The names of animals in English are always a fun topic that allows for children to get involved in their own learning. You can use our flashcards and game ideas to get your child interested and engaged in their English earning.